Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Battle for Justin's Stomach!!

Ok so for my 2nd project I chose to do option 2 which is where you create the student's assignment.

My students assignment was to create a movie about bacteria from information we had learned about in class. I actually got this idea from my fellow Biology Ed. student Jordan (who is also in this class) in our 276 class. We had a lot of fun coming up with plays about bacteria and viruses, and I figured that this would be a great assignment to give students! Because all students love to make movies right?!

So this past weekend my husband Justin and I went down to my hometown of Las Vegas and while we were there I convinced Justin and my siblings to help me out with recording the video. Overall I think its pretty funny and entertaining!
So check it out! Hopefully you enjoy it! I know that we had a blast putting it together! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!



    Okay, this is hilarious! It is fun and educational. You guys totally ROCK!
